
Support at its best

Fredrik and I are working on a little Rails app at the moment (more to this in a later post) and decided to host it on Site 5. The features of the hosting package are what you can expect from any decent hosting company our-days and would not be worth writing about, but there is one thing which really makes Site 5 stand out from the crowd - their support. This guys have excellent support and the best is the support chat functionality. You have a problem? Just click on the Chat Now button, type your question and within seconds you are chatting with someone who tries to help you. Many problems can be resolved on the spot and for others support tickets will be created. After the chat you just provide your email address in the chat window and you get a transcript of the chat sent to you. No waiting in a phone queue for hours the phone pressed to your ear in fear you might miss the moment where it is finally your turn, no unqualified people who don't have a glue what you are saying, no useless problem categorization games before you can talk to someone. No just a simple line of communication to someone who knows what he is talking about.
So listen up you Dells, Telias, Comhems, ... of this world - what works for them can work for you! And for heavens sake, get rid of this ridiculous voice recognition driven help systems. They are just a pita.
