Dynamic Stockholm 2010
These are busy times indeed. Tonight's feat was dynamic stockholm 2010 - a mini conference about dynamic languages. It started as early as 16 - a great excuse to leave the client site a bit early. The venue was Kolskjulet at Kastellholmen - a former military building used to store coal but nowadays used as a conference venue. First out wasMikael Kindborg that now works for mosync with developing their dynamic side of things. He talked about dynamic languages in the mobile setting. After that Niklas Björnerstedt held the fluffiest talk of the night about agile releases. Lots of insights there about how to think about releases in an agile setting. Then came my second encounter with Seaside. The first one occurred earlier this year and was held by Göran Krampe (co-organizer of this event). This time Julian Fitzell - one of the creators of the framework talked about it in a great and entertaining way. Then dinner consisting of landgång (english for that anyone? - a kind of sandwich with everything on it but not like a dagobert sandwich....) and chit-chat. After dinner came 4 lightning talks about groovy (Niklas Lindström), common lisp (Henrik Hjelte), python (Jonas Beckman) and smalltalk (Björn Eiderbäck). They approached the task of introducing a language in very different ways which made this part very entertaining. Lots of laughter and some understanding. All the languages have their merits and it probably depends on what you are doing. I missed two languages a lot: erlang and ruby and I hope they will appear in the next version of this conference. Erlang because I want to learn more about it and Ruby because it is my current language of choice - mostly because it is practical in all the places where smalltalk is not. (File based and easily deployable.)