
38. Berlin Marathon and my first

Some random thoughts (of which I had a lot on the 42195 m long track)
  • it is a looooong run
  • I really got respect for the distance and for people who can run this in a little over 2 hours. HOW!?
  • to all co runners with white running pants, please don't! The insights you are offering after a few kilometers should be kept kept to yourself. What is wrong with black?
  • after 30 kilometer a leaf on the road can be a big enough obstacle to almost fall
  • number of times I thought :"fi.. die henne" between kilometer 35 and the goal - countless
  • it holds true:" Wer schneller rennt, hat schneller Pause"
  • it is REALLY a long run

Old comments

2011-09-25Gunnar Morling
Hi, congrats to your first marathon, that's really awesome.

Hope to do one myself one day, but that's still a long way ahead.